There are two main reasons why you want to hide your trail camera from plain sight. First of all, if you are using it to monitor game activity, you certainly don’t want other hunters to spot it and possibly tamper with it or take it. The second reason is for those who are using trail cameras for home security: you definitely don’t want possible intruders to spot your camera and successfully evade it. Thus, here is an article on how to camouflage a trail camera easily and effectively.
How to Camouflage a Trail Camera
1. Make it blend in with the environment

Some trail cameras come in a camouflage print design. These trail cameras are specifically made to blend in with the environment in the woods, where you would set it up to monitor game activity.
Using a camera that can blend in with the environment can prevent other hunters from seeing it and possibly stealing it or messing with it. If you already have a trail camera but it doesn’t come with a camo print, there are hard cases available for trail cameras that have the good ol’ camouflage print.
2. Make them quiet and invisible

Do not use flashes or any type of camera mode that produces light. Some models of trail cameras are also quieter than the others, so make sure you listen to the device while it is running before purchasing it.
3. Hang them high

As much as possible, you should place your trail cameras in a higher position than usual if you want to lessen the chances of theft or vandalism. This tip is effective for both thieves and deer, since the camera will be out of the line of sight.
Generally, hanging the trail camera about six feet high and angling them downwards provide better results.
4. Hide cameras in hollows of trees or old stumps

If you happen to find a perfect spot for surveillance with a nearby tree or old stump, you can create your own pocket in the tree where the wood is mostly rotten. If you happen to find a good spot, create a space for your trail camera and you will have a special and easily concealed place for your trail camera.
5. Place dummy cameras

If thieves happen to go to the woods in search of a trail camera specifically, then hanging a dummy one can prevent them from spotting or looking further for your real trail camera.
6. Get rid of older models

Older models of trial cameras are often bigger and bulkier, leading them to being seen more easily than the newer, much smaller models. Moreover, older models run louder and generally produce more light, which can easily announce their presence to both humans and animals.
Technology for trail cameras today are superb and they cost way less than they did before. Why not splurge a bit and replace your older model with a new one?
7. Make an artificial hiding spot

If you can’t find a good enough hiding spot for your trail camera that is natural, you can make your own out of fake material. For instance, you can make a fake stump using a flower pot and gluing moss and natural flora on there. Fake rocks are also available in home improvement stores.
For home use, trail cameras can also be placed in bird house or bird feeders. You can either build one of your own or buy one at a store.
8. Do not put it in high traffic places for humans

A common mistake that hunters often make is placing their trail cameras in spots that often get human visitors. If the traffic is from animals, then that’s great, but if you place your trail camera in trails or spots that people usually pass through, then there is a higher chance of it getting stolen or vandalized.
To prevent this from happening, you should survey the area and place the trail camera in places where people are unlikely to pass through, such as off the main trails.
This article taught you a few tips on how to camouflage a trial camera, which is an essential part in keeping them secure. Do these tips and surely, your trail camera has lesser chance of getting stolen or tampered with.